London - Election Day 2019



Election Day 2019

Well, the world has gone completely mad in the last few weeks hasn’t it. CoronaVirus has hit seemingly every corner of the globe with life as we know it completely changing for all of us.

Personally, I am finding staying at home very difficult (I go stir crazy being confined to the house even for a couple of days) but it is all for the greater good (read it in Hot Fuzz fashion for comedy value) and we will all power through. Work has more or less ceased completely. All of my weddings for the next three months have postponed and rescheduled (I feel so bad for the people whose wedding plans have been thrown into disarray BUT… better to be safe than sorry… and, when the weddings do happen they are going to be AWESOME).

But, what do I do now? My business is still up and running (albeit solely from my office)… I’m speaking to and (hopefully) reassuring clients. I’m learning new skills, tidying the house, improving the garden and chatting with my Dad a lot (over the phone… he doesn’t ‘get’ Skype or FaceTime). The Gym is out so it’s lots of press ups in the living room. I’ve taken my first online Spanish lesson and I therefore now know 100% more Spanish than I did last week. I also plan to put a lot more effort into my other website … the criminally ignored . Oh, and I’ve just cleaned the windows.

Of course, as a consequence I won’t have much in the way of new wedding images to share (although I do have a couple of older weddings in the chamber ready to blog) so I’m afraid it will be other stuff for a little while. With that in mind here are a few images from a quick trip down to London late last year (General Election Day as it happened. I didn’t see Boris.). Mrs Colson had a fancy pants meeting at the Olympic Stadium (not that impressed… with the stadium, not the meeting) so I latched on and spent the day wandering round a very soggy London Town on my tod.

These photos were taken on either my Canon 500n or my beautiful Bronica ETRS… all using Kodak Portra 400. I love shooting film… there is something so wonderfully freeing about only having one chance at a shot and not overly worrying about editing afterwards.

I hope you enjoy these images (I love the one of the lifts on the Lloyds building) but more importantly please please stay home and stay safe in these crazy times. Life will return to ‘normal’ in due course and I have a feeling it might even be a little better than before.


Images © John Colson.