Rifle Range Lockdown, August 2020

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Rifle Range Nature Reserve, August 2020.

Dusting off my big boy cameras….

Yesterday, in a fit of peak boredom and fedupness I located my big boy cameras (i.e. the DSLRs I use at weddings), dusted them off and went for a stroll.

As I have mentioned before, my home backs onto a beautiful nature reserve here in Kidderminster. It affords me a great way to get out and clear my mind without having to go far to do so.

Anyway, the good news is that I remembered where I had left my cameras (I haven’t shot a wedding since November 2019), they still work AND (probably most importantly) I remembered what all the buttons and widgets do (and at my age thats a minor miracle!)

My stroll was lovely. The weather was great, no one else was around (I like my space) and my friends the Shetland Cattle were out and about*

Anyhoo… my walk was a lovely distraction for a couple of hours. Back now to preparing for the few weddings I have left over the remaining months of 2020. Hope you like the pictures!

* My lesson for the day was that photographing a friendly Shetland Cow like the one above with a 20mm lens is kinda wild…the photo above doesn’t really show just how close this beautiful creature got to me. He was VERY friendly!

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Images © John Colson Photography.